Have you been wanting to attend Beauty School, but don’t think you can afford it? Not so fast- maybe you can! Not only is the John Amico School of Hair Design one of the best Cosmetology schools in Illinois, but we also have one of the most reasonable tuition fees in the area. The fact that we are one of the best and have low tuition is certainly two great reasons to enroll here. But if you are someone who needs more financial assistance, then you need to know a few things. Not only are we offering $20,000 in scholarships, but also International Scholarships for non-U.S. citizens. Financial aid is also available if qualified. You can contact us and we can figure out if we can make it affordable for you. Our team is very knowledgeable and experienced. We have literally seen it all and worked with all sorts of difficulties that people have. There are multiple ways we may be able to help you, but you have to contact us first! Simply text the word, ‘TUITION’  to 708-631-2521 (Oak Forest) or 708-541-8527 (Niles).