If you or someone you know is graduating high school soon and is still on the fence about college and what to do in life, then consider going to Cosmetology school first. You can graduate from a Cosmetology Program in as little as 10 months. Let’s look at how that benefits you. First, it gives you a sort of breather between long stints of education. You get to do something that yes- it’s work, but also a lot of fun. You get to exercise your creativity. Playing with hair color and magnificent palettes of makeup is nothing short of a magical experience. Transforming people’s lives through beauty is so uplifting for both them and you. At the John Amico School of Hair Design, we’re heavily involved with community endeavors. We do things such as hair and makeup for plays at the St. Damian School, and free haircuts for veterans on Veterans Day. We hold Glam Camps for high school students and complimentary services for the Girl Scouts on certain days. All of that looks really great on college applications.

Another strong reason is that you can take all that you’ve learned and turn it into a mini career on the college campus, cutting hair, doing updos, hair color, braiding and more, for your college classmates. Pretty much guarantees your popularity!  You can make your own prices and work whenever your schedule permits. No fighting for the few fast food jobs that other students will be vying for. Seriously. Would you rather be making people more beautiful or flipping burgers? Smelling like pretty products or smelly grease? It’s a no-brainer!

When you hold a Cosmetology License, you have skills you can take anywhere. There may be different laws for different states and countries, but the skill sets remain the same. You will be giving yourself a lot more options and chances for happiness in life. You can also opt for college classes in business and couple them with your newfound beauty business knowledge. Or science classes to learn how to formulate your own products. There is so much more to beauty than just standing behind a chair. You just need to open your mind to the endless possibilities. So start at the John Amico School of Hair Design. We are one of the best beauty schools in Illinois.

For more info:

Oak Forest: Text ‘SCHOOL’ to 708-631-2521

Niles: Call or text ‘SCHOOL’ to 708-541-8527