There are lots of factors to take into account when choosing a Beauty School. First, you want to make a list of the best beauty schools near you. Just because one may be closer than another doesn’t mean that you should automatically choose that one. You need to choose the one that is going to give you the highest quality education and most to offer you. Here’s just a few things you should be taking into consideration:

Is the school accredited?

Do they offer certifications in different areas?

Do they teach the latest trends?

Is the tuition low?

Do they offer days and evenings, full or part time?

Are they located near public transportation?

Do they offer financial aid if qualified?

Who owns the school? Is it someone with years of experience?

Do they offer scholarships?

Do they offer international scholarships for non-U.S. citizens?

What kind of professional products do they use?

Do they offer job placement?

Do they help you after graduation?

These are just a few of the questions you need to ask. Here at the John Amico School of Hair Design, we check all the boxes. Take a free online virtual tour. Just text the word, ‘TOUR’ to 708-631-2521 for Oak Forest or 708-541-8527 for Niles, and we will answer all the questions you have about starting a fabulous career in the multi-billion dollar beauty industry.