John Amico inspiring future Cosmetology and Esthetic students from Oak Forest High School. Educating them on how our school is one of the best beauty schools in the area. There are over 75 different jobs available for those who possess a license in Cosmetology or Esthetics. The income opportunities are endless! Many students opt to get their license before going off to college, because it provides them with great moneymaking skills. A high percentage of college kids have to have part-time jobs to supplement their income. A licensed Cosmetologist or Esthetician can perform paid services on campus, such as haircutting and facials. Hair Stylists are in high demand. Even becoming a Licensed Nail Tech would give students a lucrative base of clients. There is so much more to a beauty career than meets the eye. Schedule a tour and we will show you all the options open to you. Call 708.631.2527 or .2528, or text ‘BEAUTY’ to 708.631.2521 or click anywhere in this website for more information.