Did you know that you could become a Licensed Cosmetologist in as little as 10 months, or a Licensed Esthetician in as little as 6 months? It’s true! If you’ve been searching for the ‘best beauty school near me’, or ‘best cosmetology school near me’, then you’ve undoubtedly seen the John Amico School of Hair Design in that list. We offer days or evenings, full or part time classes, which makes it easier to fit around anyone’s schedule. We also have one of the lowest tuition rates in the area.


We also have scholarships, international scholarships (for non-U.S. citizens), and financial aid available if qualified. Public transportation lets you off right in front of our school, if you don’t drive.

You have some of the best professional products to use, as John Amico owns the oldest family-owned hair care product company in the United States. His company has provided licensed stylists with exclusive professional products for decades.


The John Amico School of Hair Design also offers certifications in many different areas of learning. Here are just a few: Top Colorist, Men’s Haircutting, Braids and Extensions, Keratin, Updos, Sculpting. In Esthetics, certifications are offered in brow and lash services, waxing, skincare and makeup, and more.


You also may not know that John Amico is a celebrity stylist having worked with many of the Hollywood elite. He is well-loved by everyone in the industry and recently was awarded the Fred A. Piattoni Industry Service Award at America’s Beauty Show by Cosmetologists Chicago. You can see the video on our Facebook page or website.


Many beauty schools are just randomly named. They come and go. Some cosmetology schools are named after their founder, but the founder is nowhere to be found in the actual school. John Amico is a fixture in his schools. He could sit back and leave all the work to professional educators like others have. The bottom line is: Amico loves to share his wealth of knowledge with all of his students. Like a proud papa watching the babies leave the nest. As with all kids, you never know how they will turn out. Will they use all of their new found knowledge to find their personal success? Will they become a superstar in the industry? Or will they fizzle out because they don’t have what it takes? Rest assured that stellar education is given equally at the John Amico School of Hair Design. What the student does with it rests solely on their own ambition.

If you would like to receive information on John Amico’s Cosmetology and/or Esthetics programs, simply text the word ‘COS’ or ‘EST’ to 708-631-2521 for Oak Forest, or you can call or text our Niles campus at 708-541-8527 . Our Admissions Experts are ready to answer any and all questions you may have. They will walk you through the steps of enrollment and if needed, financial aid. They will help you with it all. Take a tour now!