Are you aware that Cosmetologists undergo 1500 hours of training before they can receive their license? And the fact that that training is longer than many other careers. Commercial pilots only get 250 hours of training. Police officers receive approximately 672 hours of training. You see where we’re going with this picture. Cosmetologists are extremely well trained. Stylists don’t simply cut your hair. They have learned everything about the relevant biology of hair and the skin. Their education begins with the theory of haircare and they have hands-on practice on mannequin heads. After that, they are moved onto the salon floor to service customers. Hairdressers learn how to do perms, color hair, braiding, and so much more. Cosmetologists also study microbiology, sterilization, sanitation and disinfection. During our current Pandemic with Covid-19, our professional hair stylists have been taught all the protocols they need so as not to spread the virus. 

Did you know that you can become a Licensed Cosmetologist in as little as 10 months? Or a Licensed Esthetician in as little as 6 months? Did you know we have day or evening classes? Full- or part-time? How about that stylists can enjoy a flexible schedule of their choosing around their family’s priorities? How many jobs can boast that? Plus, having an unlimited income potential. Your job can’t get shipped overseas. Job security is everything! Even with the pandemic, everyone still needs your services!

What does it take to become a great stylist? A love of beauty! It all starts with your passion for the field. When a student sees a great hairstyle, it sparks their creativity. Their brain tells them that they too can create the fabulous styles they see in magazines and on celebrities. People don’t all have the same dreams. Some simply want to work for a salon. Some want to open their own salon and spa. Some have a deep desire  to work with celebrities. Maybe they want to be a bridal specialist or work with cancer patients. No matter what your dreams are, you need to find the best beauty school in your area. Just Google it, ex: ‘best hair schools in IL’ . If you’re reading this right now, you probably know that the John Amico School of Hair Design and Esthetics is one of the top beauty schools in Illinois. Now you’re asking about the next step.

During this crazy period in history where we’re all worried about the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to find a way to make it easy for you to find out all about us. So we are offering free online Virtual Zoom Tours where you can learn everything about our cosmetology school from the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is simply text the word, ‘TOUR’ to (708)631-2521 and one of our Admissions Reps will reach out to you and find out what time works best for you. We are ready to answer any and all questions you may have about our classes, financial aid, scholarships and more! Enroll now at the John Amico School of Hair Design and let us help you realize your dreams!