Cosmetology school isn’t just for new high school grads. Many people who are established in other jobs have decided to pursue a career in beauty. The John Amico School of Hair Design has personally seen lawyers and nurses give up their stressful positions and join the multi-billion dollar beauty industry. People from all walks of life have foreseen their path in Cosmetology. Let’s take a look at one section of the population and that is ‘Stay-at-Home Moms’.

Why should a stay-at-home mom consider a career in beauty? There are many reasons! If your kids are in school, chances are, you have the time during the day to go to school too. Did you know that you could become a Licensed Stylist in as little as 10 months? If you go part-time, it will take a little longer. But that also gives you the choice of day or evening classes. Chances are good that you can figure out a schedule that works for you.

Once you’re in school, now you have a new social group of friends. You come to rely on one another. You help one another. You’re probably not the only ‘mom’ in the class, because many of our students are already adults with children. It’s nice to be a part of a community feel.

Let’s fast forward into the future a bit. Picture it. You’ve got your license. Now what? Did you know that there are over 75 different careers you can have? Let’s look at just a few of the scenarios. You might decide to work from home (local laws permitting) and make your own hours. This way you can be your own boss. Your son’s got a play he’s in? No problem. Your daughter’s got a recital? No problem. You schedule you. Plus, you command your own prices.

You might choose to work for someone else’s salon. Or for a store like Ulta or Sephora. Maybe in a high end department store’s salon. How about a haircare company? Some of our grads even work for celebrities and on shows such as ‘Chicago Fire’. Yes, a lot of filming is done in Chicago, therefore, lots of opportunities are available.

Then there are the little perks, like being able to save so much money by doing your family’s hair. You’ll always look good. The kids will always look good. You decide how much money you need/want to earn. Work more, work less- it’s all up to you.

Why the John Amico School of Hair Design? Amico has been a fixture in the beauty industry for over 50 years. He is not only a celebrity stylist, but has the oldest family-owned haircare company in the U.S. He is actively involved in his schools. He’s not just a name on the door. We are one of the best beauty schools in Illinois.

His tuition is one of the most reasonable in the area. Scholarships, International Scholarships (for non-U.S.citizens) and financial aid are available if qualified. When you become an Alumni, you are forever a part of his ‘family’ and you have access to the latest education and products long after you’ve graduated.

The John Amico School offers Beauty School Scholarships for Hair Stylist training, and  Esthetician Scholarships for those that want skin care training- Cosmetology classes for those that want all around hair styling, skin care and nails. Call our John Amico Cosmetology School that is near you.  Classes are available to those Cosmetology School students that are not currently citizens. The John Amico School of Hair Design is one of the best known Chicago Beauty Schools and Chicago Esthetician Schools even though they are in Oak Forest and Niles.

So what are you waiting for? Never feel guilty about doing something for you and about you. Your success equals your family’s success. For Oak Forest, text ‘MOM’ to 708-631-2521 for more info. For Niles, call or text ‘MOM’ to 708-541-8527.