Cosmetology is a Great Career Says John Amico

2013-oct-1This time of year many students who have graduated high school or have been in college are still undecided about their career paths. We see it all the time, college students who are 2 years into their schooling having second thoughts about returning back to school. A number of these indecisive students choose a career in the beauty industry.

More then ever parents are very concerned about the cost of education and likelihood of their graduates receiving jobs post-degree. That is why so many students are filling the ranks at Cosmetology Schools, Beauty Schools, Nail Schools, Skin Care Schools and Hair Schools. This year alone we have seen a number of college graduates become cosmetology students because of the lack of opportunity in their profession. So much so, that the John Amico School of Hair Design created a special scholarship just for college graduates since many are caring huge student loan debt. As you read below you will see why it has become such a lucrative profession.

USNEWS says “Hairdressing is one of the best jobs in 2012”

Here at the John Amico School of Hair Design, we have been witness to that since the 1960’s. We have never seen a recession that has stopped our clients from coming to get the services they want. Clients treat their personal hair and body care above food, in many cases. Even in times of an economic downturn clients will forgo dinner and a show just to be certain they will have money for their salon appointment. In the 60’s and 70’s clients covered their gray, today turn on the Disney channel and 12-year-old girls are coloring their hair. The girls of today change their hair color like their mother’s did lipstick.

Fashion changes and there is a great demand for the consumer to change. We are an instant society of social networking and the information of what is new takes just a few hours to go across the country not months as in the past.Don’t leave out the guys! Yes, they are just as vain and they also change their appearance to keep up with social trends.


Once a client likes you they will feel comfortable not to leave you. Clients do not like to jump from hair stylists to hair stylists. They feel secure in going to the same person year after year. A job as a stylist can not be downsized, you can not buy a hairstyle online nor can they send your work to China. People have so many reasons to look the best that they can, whether it be a job or Mr. Right.

I can not tell you how many clients after they were completed, said to me “I just need to come in…I needed a lift”. People need new tires for their car, their teeth fixed, or even have holes in their underwear but at the end of the day they will opt to get their hair done. WHY? Because when you look good you feel great and it gives clients more sell confidence and self-esteem.

In a US NEWS Report, it talks all about why Hairdressing is so good, in relation to its psychographics. In other words, clients will sever spaghetti instead of steak to be certain they have enough for their salon visit. Not to mention that ‘BEAUTY CHANGES LIVES’. This is a career that enriches your life and the lives of the people you touch. What the article does not mention is the over 75 types of positions that one can work in by receiving a beauty license provides. The license allows them to become a salon/spa owner, an independent suite renter, educator of schools and manufacturers, work in a medical spa, own or work for a product distributor or manufacturer, and so much more.

Review the article and it confirms that Beauty is the Gift that Keeps on Giving and the Career that just keeps creating more opportunities.