John Amico is the name you will find when you look for ‘cosmetology schools near me’ or ‘esthetics schools in Chicago’. We are one of the finest Chicago cosmetology schools. Same for Chicago esthetics schools.

John Amico has been a leader in the beauty industry for over 50 years. He has led thousands of students to successful careers. His hair school doesn’t forget you after you graduate. You are a part of his ‘family’ of Alumni forever. He has everything in place to help you with job placement. His graduates are sought after by top salons and spas. His school of esthetics trains you expertly in skincare and makeup. You have your choice of days or evenings, full- or part-time. Scholarships and financial aid are available if qualified.

We are COVID-19 compliant for the safety of the students and clients. We also offer free online virtual personalized Zoom tours. Our Admissions representatives will answer all of your questions. Just text the word, ‘ZOOM’ to 708.631.2521 if you are in the Oak Forest area. If you reside in the Niles area, call Ms. Kathy at 708.541.8527.

So instead of googling ‘hair school near me’ or ‘Chicago cosmetology schools’, just type in John Amico School of Hair Design. You won’t be sorry.