
Cosmetology Classes in Chicago

Length of Courses, Scope and Sequence of Hours Cosmetology Course

Course Goals:
The Primary goals of the John Amico School of Hair Design is to provide training to individuals in preparation for the state of Illinois licensing examinations in Cosmetology and Cosmetology Instruction; and to place such individuals in the fields of Cosmetology and Cosmetology Education.

Course Description:
The following is a breakdown of the units of theoretical and practical instruction necessary for completing the course, as prescribed by Illinois statue. Please note that the actual sequence of instruction may vary.

Cosmetology Course Outline 1500 Hours

Basic Training – 150 hours

Classroom instruction in general theory and practical application shall be provided which shall include a minimum of the following subject areas:  Tools and Equipment, Their Use and Safety, Shampoo, Understanding Chemical Products and Their Use and Chemical Safety, Types of Hair, Health, Sanitation and Infection Control, Hygiene, Skin Diseases and Conditions, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Bacteriology, Electricity, Professional, Ethics, Nail Technology, and Esthetics.

Practical Chemical Application and Hair Treatment – 500 hours

Combination of classroom instruction and hands on experience, shall be provided in the following subject areas: Chemical Safety, Product Knowledge and Their Use and Safety, Permanent Waving, Hair Coloring, Tinting and Bleaching, Hair Relaxing, Skin Chemical Procedures, Hair and Scalp Conditioning, Shampooing, Toning and Rinsing.

Hair Styling / Hair Dressing – 475 hours

Instruction in Hair Styling, which shall be a combination of classroom and hands on experience shall be provided in the following subject areas: Cutting, Thinning, Shaping, Trimming, Application of Electrical or Mechanical Equipment, Curling, Scalp and Hair Treatments, and Marceling.

Shop Management, Sanitation, and Interpersonal Relations – 200 hours

Classroom instruction shall be provided in the following areas: Labor Law, Worker’s Compensation, Client Relations/Resume/Career and Employment Information, Salon management and Business Administration, Business Ethics, Bookkeeping, Marketing and Merchandising, Emergency First Aid, Right To Know Laws, Pertinent State and Local Laws and Rules, Sanitation, Electrical Devices, Personal Grooming and Hygiene.

Esthetics – 85 hours

Instruction shall be provided in the following areas: Principles and Techniques of Skin Care Treatments and Application of Cosmetics.

Nail Technology – 55 hours

Practical instruction shall be provided in the following subject areas: Principles and Techniques of Nail Services.

Electives – 35 hours

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